Innovation Zone Trust Fund Form

an application guide to assist applicants to any of our Innovation Zones.

Aerial view of a road. Innovation Zone Trust Fund Application Form

The Collier County Board of County Commissioners created Innovation Zones in 2010 to promote economic development and diversify the local economy. Under the Innovation Zone program, county commissioners create a zone, set a base tax year, and any tax increases collected in that zone are deposited into that zone's Innovation Trust Fund.

Revenues are deposited into each zone's Trust Fund annually. Revenue from increased property values in each zone's geographic boundaries helps pay for projects in that zone that result in high-wage jobs and helps diversify the economy of Collier County.

This is an application guide to assist applicants to any of the Innovation Zones. These include the favorable considerations for successful applications. Kindly provide an answer to all the questions below. If you have any questions in regards to this form, please contact

Innovation Zone Application Form